<(C) Copyright Ewen Chia, http://www.EzineArticle.com
There's hope for the 'little guys' in the search engine ranking game, even if they can't tell the difference between the title and keyword meta tag.
You can achieve high rankings for important keywords simply by applying certain rules that stand the test of time and even technology...and the number one rule is really to......Help the search engines provide relevant search results!
How do you do this? I'll reveal the 'secrets' soon...
While I'm far from being an SEO (Search EngineOptimization) expert and am just sharing experiences here, I've achieved some phenomenal results by following these basic rules and without resorting to'tricks'.Importantly, these are rankings that last.
- side note -
I'm not suggesting you shouldn't learn about SEO oruse genuine software that helps, in fact you should. To learn about SEO, some sites you can check out:
http://www.selfpromotion.com: shows you how toconstruct your webpages and submit them to hundredsof search engines and directories absolutely FREE.
http://www.searchenginewatch.com: everything youneed to know related to search engines.
For software to facilitate your website positioning, this one's the best: http://www.turnkeymoney.com/te.htm
- end side note -
Recall the number one rule? It's to help the search engines provide relevant search results.
Now I honestly believe there are only two MAIN things which support this rule and in the process, reward your website with the high rankings you desire. These two things are Keyword Rich Content and Targeted Back Links which we'll talk about later...
Here then are 7 powerful secrets you can use to model your website after to explode your high search engine rankings!
Step 1: Determine Highly Searched Keywords
Determine highly searched and targeted keywords/keyword phrases related to your site and put them into a list. Here're the tools to use:
http://instantmarketingsecrets.com/keyword.htm : compares results of keyword searches from Overtureand Wordtracker and displays them side by side.
http://smtek.info/cgi-bin/keywordtool.cgi : allows you to find relevant hot keywords with a single click. Very cool and useful.
http://www.goodkeywords.com : excellent software to find targeted keywords in Overture and variousother engines.
Step 2: Register Keyword Rich Domain Names
While there've been contrasting arguments about whether having keywords in your domain helps, I strongly feel it does. The same goes for dashes between words in the domain. Use these to source for domain name ideas:
http://www.nameboy.com, http://www.deleteddomains.com
You can also register your domains for a low cost per year here:
http://www.namecheap.com, http://www.registerfly.com
Step 3: Use Your Targeted Keywords In Your Copy
Use the list of keywords in step 1 within your website copy, especially in the title, headline and first paragraph. The important thing is to make them flow smoothly within the context of the copy so prospects will not find it weird.
Step 4: Insert Keyword Rich Relevant Content
Next, build up your site's content with relevant topics containing your keywords. Don't worry, here are some ways to get instant content:
Posting suitable articles that contain your keywords.
These can either be your own or from article directories like http://www.ezinearticle.com, or http://webpronews.com
Posting newsletter issues in an archive online if you write any
Do reviews and commentaries on related products and services in your market as content
Step 5: Aggressively Acquire Targeted Back Links
This is the second most important (some say it's the first) factor to note after targeted and relevant content.Get as many good quality incoming links from other sites as you can, believe me, this will really make a huge difference to your rankings.
These links should come from sites in your market and preferably those with high PageRanks of 5 and above.
Use http://www.webmasterbrain.com/prog/ to search for sites with top rankings in Google for your specified keyword/keyword phrases. It also reveals their individual PageRanks next to their listings.
An excellent resource to check PageRank can also be found at http://rankwhere.com. as it also shows Alexa traffic ranking for any site. This is very useful for seeking high traffic link partners.
If you are looking for mind-blowing linking strategies and tricks, the best guide I've ever seen must be"Power Linking 2: Evolution" at http://www.turnkeymoney.com/powerlink.htm
Step 6: Hand Submit Your Site To The Top Directories and Search Engines
There's no point in using those 'submit to millions' services as only a few search engines really matter. Using those services may actually cause your site to be penalized by these major engines.
In fact if you've done enough important reciprocal linkings, you don't even need to submit your sites as spiders which crawl your link partner sites (already indexed) will pick up your link easily.
However, if you must submit, do it by hand at these directories and search engines:
Ask Jeeves: http://tinyurl.com/467y, LookSmart/Zeal: http://tinyurl.com/2uzan, Mama: http://tinyurl.com/38gdb, Open Directory: http://tinyurl.com/2jk82, Google: http://tinyurl.com/hlzz, Yahoo: http://tinyurl.com/fq32, All The Web: http://tinyurl.com/2hq24, Inktomi: http://tinyurl.com/26cguStep
7: Tune Your Site For Maximum Optimization
The final step would be to constantly monitor and analyze your website traffic against rankings. This is so you can review and tweak for further improvement in your rankings.
I hope this article will prove highly useful to you. Do not be scare away by SEO, it's simple once you follow the above system. While these steps are not everything you can do, it'll be enough to get your site ranked very well for the targeted keywords you chose.
Again, remember the number one rule of giving relevant content and establishing good back links. Help the search engines provide relevant results for their customers and your rankings will automatically skyrocket to the top.
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